I was born on a sunny day of May , 1986. I am a passionate web specialist addicted to caffeine. I admit that i 've imagined much more applications that i 've actually built. I hate internet explorer and all ie hacks. I worship high tech chinese gadgets at Alibaba. I teach math for school and prepare the ground for the digital era in education. You can check out my CV
I work with Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash and i am currently getting into Adobe Edge Animate , the html5 animation engine.
I use many different tools from command line to eclipse or webstorm. My standard tools is a text editor like sublime and a server with php or nodejs . I love discovering new tools and frameworks like a kid with new toys, i also experiment with different kind of toolset like yeomen or meanstack .
The new wave of cloud services like (Amazon AWS , Heroku , appfog etc..) has changed the way people used servers. I use the same old apache with cdn for simple apps/sites, and i prefer amazon aws for large corporate e-shops.